RQC Procedures and Roles

This page describes the business processes (workflows, procedures, use cases) of RQC, the roles occurring in them, and the demo mode (versus proper RQC) of using them.

This is a work in progress and hardly anything of all this is yet visible publicly.
!!! means to-be-completed or to-be-updated, ??? means to-be-decided or to-be-verified.

On this page:


1. Journal workflow overview

  1. A Publisher creates an account in RQC and assigns Publisherpersons.
  2. A Publisherperson creates a Journal and assigns RQGuardians.
  3. An RQGuardian creates a Subjournal, creates a review quality definition (RQdef), configures how RQC handles reviews (who grades what),
    and configures the journal's MHS to send reviewing data to RQC.
  4. The MHS sends Submission metadata and review data to RQC.
  5. The handling Editor assigns the Submission to a Subjournal and perhaps excludes some Reviews from Grading.
  6. Zero, one, or more Editors, zero, one, or more Co-Reviewers, and zero, one, or more Authors Grade the Reviews.
    RQGuardians make sure there is at least one Grading for each Review to be graded.
  7. Reviewers can opt out of the Grading and being-graded.
  8. After the end of the year, a Receipt is generated for each Reviewer with at least one graded Review.
  9. Reviewers can assign their Receipts to a Research Institution.
  10. Research Institutions can retrieve Receipt data for all Receipts assigned to them.

2. Procedures at Publishers


3. Procedures at Journals


4. Procedures at Research Institutions


5. Procedures at Conferences

See the overview on the how-to page.

6. Roles

6.1 Publisherperson


6.2 RQGuardian: review quality guardian


6.3 Editor


6.4 Reviewer


6.5 Author


6.6 Receiptreceiver: person at research institution


7. Other key concepts

7.x MHS: Manuscript Handling System


7.x Receipt


7.x Submission


7.x Publisher


7.x Journal, Subjournal


7.x RQdef: review quality definition


7.x ...


8. Sandbox mode

Sandbox mode is a mode of using RQC. It extends over one login session: A user can initiate sandbox mode upon login. It will end upon logout.

Sandbox mode is just like the "real" mode of using RQC (called RQC proper), except that it has a largely separate universe of data and a few differences in functionality as follows: - In sandbox mode, all normal Publishers, Journals, and Research Institutions, as well as all their content (reviews, gradings etc.) created in RQC proper are invisible. (Users remain visible.) - In sandbox mode, only Publishers, Journals, and Research Institutions created in sandbox mode are visible. - In sandbox mode, any User can create a Publisher, make themselves or others a Publisherperson, create Journals, make themselves or others RQGuardians and Editors. - In sandbox mode, RQGuardians can create virtual submissions. A virtual submission will contain fantasy data for submission and reviews and can be handled and graded like a real submission. - In sandbox mode, RQGuardians can virtually end the year at any time and then trigger the creation of Receipts manually. - All data in everybody's sandbox is automatically deleted at the end of the actual year (December 31) every year.

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